Bunch of pink blooming roses
Small rose that opens for you
Pretty spring bouquet
Flower and leaf line
Rose flower line (top of pg)
Small sprig of ivy
Larger sprig of ivy
Pretty pink lily
Single plum colored rose
Small purple-pink lilac
Large single white rose
White rose bloom
Purple petunia with dew dripping
Small blue-green dogwood blossom
Red and pink roses on an egg
Coral roses on an egg
Blossom, berries and leaves
A white lily opens up
A rose opens up
Large single red rose
A single red rose
Bird of Paradise flower
Black eyed susans
A pink carnation
A bunch of daisies
A flowerbox of green plants
A gladiola
One red rose bloom
Trio of rose blooms
Pink orchids
Peach colored flowers
Red rose with leaf on right
Red rose with leaf on left
Pink tropical flower
Small white daisy blooms
Yellow flower